Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Week 1: EOC Volkswagen Lemon ad

What comes to mind when someone says the word bug? Some people actually relate it to the actually insect but for me I always find myself day dreaming of the days when me and my sister used to hit each other in the car while screaming the words “PUNCH BUGGY!” But let’s all face it! Without the Volkswagen Beatle that game would have no use for my sister and I. The unique design that everyone has wondered about is probably one of the most historical stories. What kind of history? The history of how we all got a taste of the, and where it all started. Well probably but the first time I ever saw one was in an advertisement. Literally sitting at home watching reality shoes and an ad for a Beatle comes up. It’s so cute I thought while I continued to watch. But back when it all started Volkswagen would have never pinned the Beatle as a cute car.

"No point in showing you the 1962 Volkswagen It still looks the same."; “Lemon”  were the words we all would have seen in the 1960 ad for the Volkswagen Beatle; but let’s just focus on one today.  “How could Volkswagen sell Hitler’s favorite car to the American people only a decade and a half after World War II?” Really how?  Hitler himself made the car because he thought that it's a good idea for everyone to have a car. The car was small and during that time people were all used to the big bulky cars. People in the 1950s didn't want a small ugly car. How was Volkswagen supposed to sell a product that was already seen negatively? “The “Lemon” ad, created by Doyle Dane Bernbach in 1959, was intended to attract readers, drive home a product advantage, and perhaps generate some smiles.” It honestly did put a smile on my face I won’t deny that. Putting the word lemon on a car; and having its own company place it on there is pretty smart. It’s already seen negatively why not add more, its a bit comical. When readers see the word lemon on a car they would automatically know it’s a bad car and not to buy it. But the reason why they put lemon on an ad that has a perfectly looking black Beatle on it can be weird. The only problem with it would only be seen up close. “Turns out, the chrome strip on the glove compartment must be replaced, because Inspector Kurt Kroner noticed a blemish.” And that was the only thing wrong with it. So of course they replaced it with a brand new one. This assures the consumer that no matter what Volkswagen will be the place to be when you want a good quality car and great customer service. Everyone who would like to buy a car would love to see this. It’s a top quality car with top quality care just like VW said “We pluck the lemons, you get the plums.”


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